How to accelerate your business without giving away equity
Businesses often fail to look past traditional funding models such as raising capital to fund their growth aspirations.
This panel discussion will explore:
- Sources for funding that make a huge difference when trying to rapidly scale up
- What you need to know before you start thinking about accessing grants
- Learn how to get half your overseas marketing budget back through export grants
- What you can do to make crowdfunding successful before launching your campaign
- How to unlock capital already existing in your business
- Find out where to get a loan without the hassle of a bank
In partnership with Treadstone
Peter Nolle - Managing Director, Treadstone
Starting with an engineering background, Peter moved into banking and finance for 7 years. Peter finished an MBA in 2007 then managed a small tech start up wining a Commercial Ready grant from the Federal government, before moving into full time grants consulting in 2008. Peter specialises in writing R&D Tax Incentive, Export Grants, and Innovation grants and has a team of consultants based in Melbourne
Sergei Plishka - Marketing Manager, Outerspace Design & Fusion Guitar
Following a passion for travel and knowledge, Sergei has studied in Canada, Singapore and Australia, achieving degrees in both Commerce (Marketing) and Industrial Design. His industry experience covers digital printing, exhibit design, mobile spaces, and a wide range of consumer products including electronics, homewares and packaging. At Outerspace Design, Sergei heads up the marketing department, including online, social, PR, SEO and PPC, and has played a key role throughout several successful crowd funding campaigns.
Rhondalynn Korolak - Imagineering Now & Businest
Rhondalynn is a lawyer, chartered accountant, business coach, best-selling author and media commentator. She has distilled the secrets to business success, that she learned working with Price Waterhouse Coopers, Max Factor, Village Cinemas, and Coles Group Ltd. and produced a simple step-by-step process that you can apply to your business to boost your bottom line and cash flow.
Yes, you could look externally to grants, banks, investors, or crowdfunding for capital but the truth is, if you have poor cash flow, you won’t be in a strong bargaining position to negotiate a deal that is going to be good for YOU. Generally, people will not lend you their money or invest, if you have proven that you did not manage your own money wisely. It makes sense to get a handle on your cash flow situation and become a master at maximising the amount that comes in, while minimising the amount that goes out.
Aris Allegos - CEO, Moula
Aris co-founded Moula to provide a fast and friendly way to give small businesses access to capital. Aris spent over 15 years working in banking, and prior to that experienced the challenges faced by small business first-hand within his family business. He has an MBA from London Business School and a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law from Monash University.